Terms of Use

1. Scope:

Your use of this site is expressly conditioned on your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this User Agreement. By accepting this User Agreement, you agree that this User Agreement and Privacy Policy will apply whenever you use Key to Biz sites or services, or when you use the tools we make available to interact with Key to Biz sites and services. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, you may not use this site. Key to Biz may at any time modify this User Agreement and your continued use of this site or Key to Biz's services will be conditioned upon the terms and conditions in force at the time of your use.

2. Using of Site:

While using Key to Biz sites, services and tools, you will not:

  • Use our sites, services or tools if you are not able to form legally binding contracts, are under the age of 18, or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our sites, services or tools;
  • Circumvent or manipulate our fee structure, the billing process, or fees owed to Key to Biz;
  • Post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, or libelous content
  • Distribute or post spam, unsolicited, or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes (recruitment of independent home salespeople or similar practices
  • Distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm Key to Biz, or the interests or property of Key to Biz users;
  • Act dishonestly or unprofessionally by engaging in unprofessional behavior
  • Use bots or other automated methods to add or download contacts, send or redirect messages with other, partner services;
  • Harvest or otherwise collect information about users, including email addresses, without their consent.
  • Impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise represent an affiliation with a person or entity;
  • For any purpose that is prohibited by any law or regulation, or to facilitate the violation of any law or regulation;
  • Infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;

3. Indemnification:

The User agrees to indemnify Key to Biz from all damages, liabilities, costs, charges and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which Key to Biz, their affiliates, employees, and authorized representatives may incur as a result of either: (i) Your Failure to comply this Agreement, including, without limitation, your submission of content that violates third party rights or applicable laws,; or (ii) any content you submit to the Services and (iii) any activity in which you engage on or through Key to Biz

4. Fees & Payments:

You agree to pay all fees and charges (if any) incurred in connection with your User name and password, including applicable taxes at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. Ke yto Biz may change rates in the normal course of business. In that case, you will be notified of the new rates (if any) prior to the end of your subscription term. All charges incurred in connection with your account will be billed to the credit card you designate during the registration process. Please note the following:

• All fees and charges are nonrefundable.
• When cancelling Alliance or Achiever Key, there are no refunds or credits for partially used.
• When upgrading from Alliance Key to Achiever Key, refunds will be issued based on prorated period.

5. Limitation of liability:

A. You will not hold Key to Biz responsible for other users' content, actions or inactions, Key to Biz and all information and services on an "as is" and "as available" basis. we do not provide any express warranties or representations to the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, we disclaim any and all implied warranties and representations, including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and no infringement. If you are dissatisfied or harmed by Key to Biz or anything related to Key to Biz, you may close your Key to Biz account. Such termination shall be your sole and exclusive remedy.

B. Key to Biz is not responsible, and makes no representations or warranties for the delivery of sent through Key to Biz to anyone. in addition, we neither warrant nor represent that your use of the service will not infringe the rights of third parties. any material, service, or technology described or used on the website may be subject to intellectual property rights owned by third parties who have licensed such material to us, service, or technology.

C. Key to Biz does not have any obligation to verify the identity of the persons subscribing to its services, nor does it have any obligation to monitor the use of its services by other users of the community; therefore, Key to Biz disclaims all liability for identity theft or any other misuse of your identity or information.

D. We cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to our sites, services or tools, and operation of our sites, services or tools may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, we exclude all implied warranties, terms and conditions. We are not liable for any loss of money, indirectly, out of your use of or your inability to use our sites, services and tools.

E. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you.

F. Regardless of the previous paragraphs, neither Key to Biz or any of our subsidiaries, affiliated employees, shareholders or directors shall be liable the total amount the user paid to Key to Biz during the previous twelve (12) months (or if you have subscribed for fewer than twelve (12) months, during the time since the user's subscription began).

6. Termination:

Key to Biz shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement in the event of any breach by a User of this Agreement.

Key to Biz and the Community work together to keep our sites and services working properly and the Community safe. Please report problems, offensive content, and policy violations to us.