About Us

What We Do?

With a centralized business portal, we connect you to a broad network of business profiles, leads, events, specials and concierge services. We increase your bottom line result by showcase your unique value proposition and deliver your ideal clients with a click of a mouse.

What Makes Us Different?

What Makes Us Different



Frequently Asked Questions

Q    How do people know about this site?
   Soft launched recently. Soon to formulate alliances with key business organizations for traction.

Q    How can Key to Biz help me generate revenue?
A    1. Decision makers know to call you directly when needs arise.
      2.  Leads automation target to your specially
      3. Dynamic circle of influence for referral source
      4.  24/7 marketing exposure without added expense or travel.

   I am already get results with my other social media platform
A    Fantastic. Key to Biz compliments and enhances your current marketing strategy.

Q    How is this different than yellow page, LinkedIn or membership listings?
   Key to Biz is creating a Business to Business Community to transact business efficiently and transparently. Please refer to What Makes Us Different Section for more details.

   I get my business from client referrals
A    Not every referral matches your personality and specialty.  It is important to broaden your target audience to remind ideal clients of your existence and unique value proposition.

   I am not tech savvy at all
A    You do not need to be a guru to post. Key to Biz will demonstrate and/or assist you to key information if necessary.

Q    I  do not have the budget
A    Attending luncheon function costs at least $35.00 plus travel time, gas and time to follow up with all the business cards collected. Key to Biz brings you sales leads automatically, connects you to key players and markets your business 24/7.

Q    I need to run my compliance for approval
A    Key to Biz will navigate myriad levels of management and obtain clearance for you

What's In It For You?

Your Membership* Key opens door to:

  • Post Business Special: Generate immediate sales with special marketing campaign
  • Post Business Profile: Broadcast your business profile 24/7 online
  • Post Business Event: Reach broader audience and increase event attendance
  • Post Service Request: Solicit solutions to your business request anonymously
  • Access to Business Lead: Receive targeted service request matching your specialty
  • Access to Other Members: Formulate dynamic alliances with other Key members
  • Access to Business Specials: Daily notification of deep discount business services

* Opportunity Key Member only has access to post lead (aka service request)

Join Us!

We level the playing field so you can facilitate business transactions across various sectors. Be on the move with Key to Biz and start tapping into unlimited business opportunities by Sign Up today!